
Showing posts from September, 2021


An Array is a memory location. An array is also a collection of same data types. All data in an array must be of the same data type. A Structure is used to represent information about something more complicated than a single number, character, or boolean can. Many different data types can be stored inside of a structure.  Signed and unsigned integers. A signed integer can hold both positive and negative integers but has a lower integer limit compared to an unsigned number which has a higher integer limit. Unsigned numbers can only hold positive integers Long and short Integers. Short integers have a 16 bit limit. This means data can be stored using less storage, but has a low integer limit. Long integers have a 64 bit limit. This allocates a lot more space to data saved in these. Emumerations are a way of naming variables. Gives real world names/definitions/labels to variables.


  Mathematics Binary numbers are expressed in a base-2 number system. Only uses the numbers 0 and 1. Computers use binary numbers in order to store data. Hexadecimal numbers are expressed in a base-16 number system. Hexadecimals are used to represent binary values. Humans use the hexadecimal number systems to simplify binary systems, and give a visual representation. Natural Numbers are used for counting and ordering whole numbers that are greater than one. E.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc...  Rational Numbers can be expressed as a fraction/ratio. Irrational Numbers such as Pi (3.14159) and e (2.71828) cannot be expressed as a ratio. Pi - Mathematic Constant. The ration of a circles circumference to its diameter. Eulers Number e - It is the limit of (1+1/n) as n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest. Prime Numbers - Natural numbers that are not the product of two smaller natural numbers. Square Numbers - Natural numbers that are the product of a...